Matthew is a common name.
I was listening in iTunes to some roughs from the solo record I've been working on (I promise I'll write about it soon), and my EP showed up in the "MiniStore" window at the bottom. On a whim, I clicked on it, which took me to my EP page on iTunes. Lo and behold, someone had written a new review, and a very kind one at that:
Theologically sound, and beautiful (5 out of 5 stars)
This 5-song EP is sincere, pure, Godly, and encouraging. Not one song is a let down, and each one gives you a closer look at Jesus and his amazing righteousness, death, and resurrection.
I was happy to read that this person enjoyed my EP, but then I noticed his name-- "Matthew S."
It's hard out here for a Matthew Smith. Matthew and Smith are both very common names. I keep getting Friend Requests from Matthew Smiths on MySpace. I had to get because .com, .net. org, were all taken. And despite all this, I still get called "Matt," and, inexplicably, "Michael," all the time.
But that is neither here nor there. My point is, fellow interwebians, that I did not write this glowing review of my own record, no matter how it might seem. So, if your name is something other than "Matthew S.," "M. Smith," or some other suspiciously similar name, and you enjoy my little debut EP, please avail yourself of the iTunes review system and help a brother out.
that's funky
10:22 PM
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