Jesus Camp.
It's easy for me to forget that this is the kind of stuff that happens in so many churches (and church camps) around the country. A religiosity divorced from the real Jesus, a zeal without knowledge, an "us vs. them" mentality that is so different from reality. Sobering and frightening.
7:24 PM
wow. just wow.
i've been hearing about churches like this...they start out small and within 3 months they have grown to 10,000 members...
i believe that this has such a negative effect on worship...
that is just not church to me.
2:44 PM
It breaks my heart to see this. Camps like that are a part of my past that I try to forget. How conjured it all was. Praise the Lord that He reached me despite the hysteria. But I know so many who shared in these camps with me and "experienced God" who are now blatantly not Christian.
8:05 PM
well.....hmmm. nothing good to say really.
6:43 AM
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