New blog.
Good-bye, old blog. My new blog can be found by clicking here.
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As you may have guessed, I've given up on blogging. I just have too much going on to spend the time necessary to make this blog great, and I think no blogging is better than mediocre blogging.
I'm coming to Florida for a few concerts this weekend. Details here. See you there!
Oh, hi there. I, um, seem to have forgotten to mention something. See, I have a new official site. A very nice one. And it's been up for well over a month. It just slipped my mind that my blog readers might actually want to check it out.
Former and future Burlap To Cashmere frontman Steven Delopoulos has a new record due out any day now. Here is an amazing video for one of the songs, done by the geniuses at Portland Studios.
Thanks to all who came out to the south Florida tour last weekend. Despite being sick, I enjoyed sharing these hymns with you guys. I'll be coming to the Tampa/St. Pete area next month, dates announced soon.
A few months ago, I created a Squidoo lens (a web page designed to share info about a topic) called Save Lives In Africa. It was named Lens Of The Day in December, and now it is up for Lens Of The Year! This is a big deal, because:
Andy over at The Last Homely House just put up a good post titled "Why I Don't Listen To Christian Music." I've found it interesting (but not surprising) that many fans of my and Indelible Grace's music don't listen to much CCM.
Andrew Rush posted his pictures from Jubilee 2007. It was a blast to play to so many people, even though we got kicked off stage before our set ended due to a miscommunication about time.
I don't have time to blog properly right now, as I'm off to Pittsburgh to play at the Jubilee 2007 conference. I have had one of the strangest, most adventure-filled months of my life so far. Here are some of the alternately funny and sobering moments, in no particular order-- and now in bullet point form! In the past two weeks, I:
I'm leaving for Guatemala tomorrow for a retreat with Compassion International, then heading straight to Reno, NV and California when I get back in the country. I hope to update a bit when I return.
I saw the Weinermobile today. It was less than a mile from my house. It turned in front of me and drove a few feet into the Wal-Mart parking lot. I had an appoinment to get to, so I couldn't follow it. I have always wanted to see the Weinermobile. Today, my dreams came true.
People sometimes assume that I lead the music at my church often. I actually only do it about twice a year, mainly because I'm frequently on the road, and when I'm home I don't want to do something so similar to what I do when I'm gone.
Labels: worship
This video has been making the rounds, but I couldn't help but post it here. A few people have already noted the contrast between this song and "My Lord I Did Not Choose You."
Happy new year, everybody! Sorry I didn't get this post in by the end of 2006, but it'll have to do. Here's my take on the year's music.
This is the first in a ten-part series of posts about the songs on my new record, All I Owe, available here and at iTunes.
Hmm. I seem to have gone a month without blogging. I'll try to get back into the swing of things soon.
The midwest tour has been a lot of fun so far, with a very warm reception everywhere I've gone. Apparently, Midwesterners have a good sense of humor, as they laugh at the jokes I tell that get crickets elsewhere. (Every musician wishes he were a comedian, and every comedian wishes he were a musician.)
I'm beginning a short Midwest tour today, playing plenty of songs from the new record in addition to Indelible Grace favorites. If you live in these areas, please spread the word. See you there!
Someone posted this grainy video of the band and me playing "Approach My Soul" on YouTube. I should talk less! We are probably cutting this song from the setlist this fall, so if you haven't seen us live in the past five years, this might be your only chance to see it.